Ella’s story

Published: September 20 2022
Last updated: September 28 2022

Ella is a chronic illness advocate, fundraiser and motivational speaker

My name is Ella and I’m 17 years old. I’m a chronic illness advocate, fundraiser and motivational speaker.

I started having absence seizures when I was a toddler, which caused me to miss a lot of special events at nursery.

Doctors were puzzled, but thought they could possibly be caused by a head injury I had previously had.

I was told that I’d grow out of them, and thankfully I did. But unfortunately when I was 13, I began having blackouts which turned into severe tonic-clonic seizures.

My seizures take over my life – putting me in hospital every few months, leaving me with multiple injuries and emotional distress. I never recall having a seizure, but the aftermath is horrific – vomiting, confusion, pain, fatigue and headaches.

In February 2020, I had the most scariest seizure I’ve ever encountered. I was at school and had seized for 13 minutes, leaving me unconscious for over an hour. I was admitted to hospital, where I continued having seizures.

I decided to fundraise and boost awareness for Epilepsy Action, because they’ve held me together and given me hope on the days I’ve felt like giving up. They provide with me with helpful information and always remind me that I’m not alone!

Without my family and Epilepsy Action, there’s no way I would get through my tough battle of having seizures.

The reason I’m sharing my story is due to the desperate need for a change! I’m only 17 years old and I’m terrified of having to live the rest of my life with the huge epilepsy monster towering over me.

If we keep raising money for epilepsy, more research can be done, in hope that a cure can be on its way!

Remember to not give up! Thank you for reading my journey 🙂

Ella Parris

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