Are you scared of me?

Embrace the fear, end the stigma

Nearly 90% of people with epilepsy face mental health issues because of their condition.

Together we can end the fear and public stigma that is feeding this crisis.

Person with epilepsy

People with epilepsy are at a higher risk of mental health problems such as stress, anxiety or depression.

87% of people with epilepsy have told us their condition affected their mental health.

  • 69% say the biggest impact on their mental health was feeling that epilepsy limited their independence
  • 59% worry about having seizures in front of other people
  • Stigma and lack of understanding also play a big part. Almost a third (29%) say people have shown negative attitudes towards their condition, which affected their mental health.

Negative attitudes are often rooted in fear.

Nearly a quarter of people in the UK admit they would be scared to be in a room with someone with epilepsy “in case they had a seizure”.

A further 24% say this would make them “uncomfortable”.

"I was told my epilepsy is something to be feared, something so scary that I shouldn't work around children with it. My mood got low again, and those feelings of helplessness and isolation were only heightened by the stigma I had faced."
Deirbhile, 20

This can push people with epilepsy to feel anxious, misunderstood and lonely.

84% have experienced anxiety and exactly half (50%) of people with the condition report feeling isolated.

Stigma thrives where there is silence and fear.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

We want more people to know about epilepsy and what they can do to help.  We want people with epilepsy to live a life without limits.

Here’s where to start.

Dealing with the mental impact of epilepsy can be tough.

But there is support out there, if you need it.

Andy on a bench - fading into background

Help us support people like Andy

After his epilepsy diagnosis, Andy was full of fear, he felt taken away from his children.

He worried he was a burden and his mental health started to get worse.

That was until he found Epilepsy Action, he found the right support and was able to regain that independence, Andy got his life back.

Donate today for people like Andy