Epilepsy Specialist Nurse post – Hywel Dda University
Epilepsy and comedy with Maisie Adam
“Ultimately, you have to find the light in it rather than the dark.” Epilepsy is hugely varied and affects everyone differently. For Purple Day 2021,…
What do you want to tell the world about epilepsy?
Purple Day is all about people with epilepsy coming together to raise their voices and speak out. Listen to Derrick, Debbie, Murray, Bob, Phil, Lauren…
Brexit update – January 2021
Bonuscast – 70 years
What’s changed with epilepsy in the last 70 years? In this special bonuscast, we talk with Epilepsy Action Chief Executive Philip Lee about the history…
8 – A winning tale of friendship
Ellis, 9, was diagnosed with focal epilepsy in 2019. His whole world was turned upside down, becoming withdrawn and depressed. His seizures still aren’t under…
7 – epilepsy and having a baby
Ibby had baby daughter Niamh just under four weeks ago. She had seizures all through pregnancy, including just before the epidural for her C-section. We…
6 – A marathon and not a sprint
Patience was diagnosed with epilepsy when she was 14. She has both tonic-clonic and focal seizures, sometimes two or three a week. Patience chats with…
5 – Seize your adventure – with an epilepsy diagnosis
After being diagnosed with epilepsy in 2015, Fran walked 500 miles of the Camino de Santiago in Spain two years later, solo. In 2019, she…