A gift in your will, no matter what size, could transform the lives of people with epilepsy for generations to come.
It will bring an end to stigma, increase awareness and help people get the treatment they need to live a life free from seizures.
Details to leave a gift in your will:
Charity name: Epilepsy Action
Charity address: New Anstey House, Gate Way Drive, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7XY
Registered charity number: 234343
Thank you for thinking of leaving a gift in your will to Epilepsy Action
Our free Gift in wills guide includes practical tools and useful information on:
- The types of gifts you can leave
- The difference a gift in your will could make
- Our free will writing service
Already included a gift in your will to Epilepsy Action?
If you have already included a gift in your will to Epilepsy Action, thank you so much for your support. Please take a minute to let us know your plans. Not only will it allow us to thank you properly but it will help us plan for the future with greater confidence. Thank you.
Please get in touch if you have any questions about Epilepsy Action or how you can support us with a gift in your will. Whether you’re writing a will or administering an estate you can contact Harvinder, our legacy coordinator, on 0113 210 8832 or by emailing hchaggar@epilepsy.org.uk