John Lewis and Argos
Buy direct through our site from John Lewis or Argos and we will receive between a slice of the cost of your total order value, at no extra cost to you!
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices and shopping features as Amazon.co.uk The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.
Millions of products on AmazonSmile are eligible for donations to charities by Amazon. You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for smile.amazon.co.uk” on their product detail pages.
Once you’ve signed up AmazonSmile, each time you shop with Amazon, go to smile.amazon.co.uk instead of amazon.co.uk
Looking for an alternative retailer? Why not try Give as You Live?
Give as you Live is no different to shopping online normally. With over 4,000 stores registered, you can shop at your favourite online store and they will donate a percentage of whatever you spend!
All you need to do is visit our Give as you live page and create an account.
Save money as you shop
If you’re looking to do some online shopping and want to get a great deal, Savoo has thousands of voucher codes and deals that will help you save money – and they’ll donate to Epilepsy Action at the same time.
Sell and donate
You can raise money for Epilepsy Action by selling your pre-loved goods on eBay. You can choose what percentage to give to Epilepsy Action and what to keep for yourself.
- Register or sign into your ebay.co.uk account
- Click sell to list your item
- Select the eBay for charity box and nominate Epilepsy Action as your beneficiary charity
- Choose what proportion of your final sale price goes to charity
- View current listing supporting Epilepsy Action
More information on eBay for charity
Search and donate
Are you are one of the millions of people who use search engines everyday? By switching your search engine to Everyclick, Savoo or Easyfundraising you can raise money for Epilepsy Action everytime you browse the web.
Other online stores
- Lauren’s Cows: Unique art by Lauren Terry – Lauren Terry will kindly donate approximately 25% of any print you buy.
- Bob on Paintings – Robert Sutcliffe will kindly donate 50 to 100% of net profit of any painting you buy.