Hi, I’m Kerry-Ann, and I am a Talk & Support Group volunteer and Befriender.
I was first diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 13. When I was first diagnosed, it was a total shock and a lot to take in, not just for me, but for my family too. I struggled for a long time to understand what was going on and it was hard for me to accept.

A poster for an epilepsy support group in Norwich and a phone call to the organiser encouraged me go to the meeting with my parents. We were made to feel welcome, and it was amazing to be able to talk to others who knew what I was going through.
It also helped my parents talking to other parents about how they were feeling and to know it was not just them in this situation. I made a wonderful group of new friends who I could be open with and talk to about my epilepsy and experiences.
A few weeks after joining the Norwich group, I knew I wanted to try and set up my own group in my hometown. In April 2018, I set up the Lowestoft group with the support of Epilepsy Action. It’s amazing leading the group and I always look forward to my Talk and Support meetings each month, seeing my regular members and meeting new people too.
It’s a fantastic opportunity to support the community and supporting people with epilepsy and their families.
If anyone asks me about volunteering for Epilepsy Action I tell them how much of an amazing experience it is to be able to support others.
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