Lisa’s story

Published: October 20 2022
Last updated: October 20 2022

People with epilepsy are already paying the price for the #CostOfLivingCrisis, with many worried about the rising prices of utility bills, food and transport.

But, with a condition like epilepsy, it’s not just the financial cost. There’s a health cost too. This is the #CostOfEpilepsyCrisis.

Lisa shares her story about how the cost-of-living crisis is affecting her.

“I usually work 25 hours a week but recently I’ve been doing some overtime to help with bills. However, I find working overtime and having early starts difficult as my epilepsy medication makes me feel tired. I currently don’t get any allowances or support from the government.”

“My day-to-day life has been affected by the rising cost of living as it’s been really tough to cope with my bills going up. Just this year, my mortgage has gone up four times and that’s on top of food prices and energy bills rising. It’s causing me so much stress as I’m worrying about trying to find the money to pay my bills on time.”

“Even though I’ve been seizure-free for 15 years, my epilepsy makes me feel tired, worried and I often have brain-fog. As prices rise and I feel more stressed about paying my bills, I sometimes worry that I will have a seizure whilst I’m asleep as my sleep seizures can be triggered by stress and over-tiredness.”

“I wish the government would give more support to those with epilepsy who are working part-time hours in low-wage jobs by giving them a small allowance to help with bills as the cost of living has gone up so much. I still want to work but just with some extra financial support to take some of the stress off.”

Cost of living

Our cost of living campaign

If you want to find out what Epilepsy Action are doing to support people with epilepsy during the cost of living crisis then check out our cost of living with epilepsy campaign.

Our campaign