Your support changes lives

Together we can make a difference! Your support is so important to the impact Epilepsy Action can have on people’s lives.

Watch our befriending video

Your decision to donate today could change a person with epilepsy’s life.

Your donation means that not only can we help thousands more people via our free Helpline and give vital information to millions online, we can also offer a community for each person to belong to via our Befriending service.


Every direct debit set up means we can keep providing vital support to those who are lonely and isolated.

Set up a direct debit today

Already have a direct debit set up? Then you can increase here.

£5 a month

would enable us to recruit, train and equip two Group leaders, to give those like Holly a safe space to share experiences and access vital support.*

Donate £5


That’s 2 coffees monthly

£9 a month

would enable us to recruit, train and equip a specialist Befriender like Lisha to provide one-to-one care to someone like Holly who is isolated and in need of support.*

Donate £9


That’s 3 coffees monthly

£11 a month

would see a Talk and Support group run for a year, seeing on average 10 people being supported by a community of others affected by epilepsy.*

Donate £11


That’s 4 coffees monthly

*All gifts are unrestricted so that we can be responsive, helping us to support local communities and people with epilepsy where the need is greatest.

Meet befriender Lisha


We also want to …

support 11,000
through our helpline service
train 21,000
to support people with epilepsy
inform 2 million
with our online information
  • Recruit and train specialist volunteers to provide bespoke support via our Befriending service for those affected by epilepsy and in need of extra help
  • Launch another 62 Talk and Support groups to help people meet others who have been facing similar challenges


Help us transform more lives