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What is an EEG test?
An electroencephalogram (EEG) records activity in the brain. Your brain constantly produces tiny electrical signals. During an EEG test, small sensors, called electrodes, are placed on your scalp. The electrodes are connected by wires to an EEG machine. Electrodes are attached using a special glue or paste.
The electrodes pick up the electrical signals from your brain. These are recorded and displayed on a computer screen. The electrodes only measure the electrical signals. They don’t interfere with your brain or cause you any pain.
The electrical signals look like wavy lines that show your brainwave patterns. The EEG test can only show your brainwave patterns at the time the test is carried out. At different times, your brainwave patterns may be different.
A highly trained specialist, called a clinical neurophysiologist will look at your results. They can recognise if your EEG test shows a brainwave pattern that is unusual. Some of these patterns point to a strong possibility of epilepsy.
When are EEG tests done?
Your doctor might ask you to have an EEG test for one of the following reasons:
- They think you might have epilepsy
- You have epilepsy, and they need to know more about it
- They are unsure whether or not your seizures are due to epilepsy
- You are being considered for epilepsy surgery
- They are thinking about changing or stopping your epilepsy medicines
Sometimes an EEG is done to check whether someone is in non-convulsive status epilepticus. Non-convulsive status epilepticus can change a person’s level of awareness or cause confusion. This might not be recognised as a seizure without an EEG.
The results of an EEG can help doctors to make the correct diagnosis and decide on the best treatment. A doctor who specialises in reading EEG results should interpret them. This is because reading an EEG incorrectly is one of the most common reasons for people to be given the wrong diagnosis. The National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines say that the first EEG should ideally be done within 72 hours of the first seizure.
Where are EEG tests done?
An EEG is usually done in hospital in an outpatient clinic. People with epilepsy have told us that they found it helpful to go with someone to the appointment. Some people find the process quite tiring and there is a very small risk you might have a seizure during the test. You may find it useful to plan how you will get home after the appointment.
You might be asked to take a simple piece of portable recording equipment home with you. Your specialist will show you how to use this.
How can I prepare for an EEG?
To help the electrodes stick to your head more easily, have clean, dry hair for the appointment. As well as this, do not use any styling products such as wax or gel.
It could also be helpful to bring a hairbrush or comb as the glue can make your hair messy after the test. Or, you might want to take a hat to cover your hair until you can wash it. After the test, you may still have a lot of glue in your hair. This can be washed out afterwards using baby shampoo, baby oil, or hair conditioner.
Young children might find it helpful to bring a toy or something comforting from home to play with. This can help especially while the electrodes are being stuck on.
Certain hairstyles such as weaves or braids will need to be removed otherwise they may be damaged. This is because the glue will be difficult to get out if you aren’t able to comb through your hair. If braids are not removed, the specialist can put the electrodes between them, but the quality of the EEG may not be as good.
EEGs do not work through material. If you wear a wig, you will need to remove it before the test.
What information does an EEG test give?
An EEG test gives information about the electrical activity that is happening in your brain at the time the test is carried out.
Many people with epilepsy only have unusual electrical activity in their brain when they are having a seizure. The rest of the time the brain activity may be normal. So, if your EEG test doesn’t show any unusual activity, it only means that there is no epileptic activity in your brain at the time the test is being done. This doesn’t prove that you don’t have unusual activity in your brain at other times, and you could still have epilepsy.
People with some types of epilepsy have unusual electrical activity in their brain even when they are not having a seizure. When they have an EEG test, the results can show certain brainwave patterns that doctors recognise. This information is very helpful for doctors when they are making a diagnosis.
A small number of people have unusual EEG test results, even though they never have seizures and they don’t have epilepsy. These could be caused by other medical conditions, problems with their vision, or brain damage. So, an EEG that shows unusual brainwave patterns doesn’t always mean that you have epilepsy.
Can an EEG test show what type of seizures I have?
When an EEG test picks up unusual electrical activity, the doctor will look at where it is happening in the brain. With focal seizures, the activity is only happening in some areas of your brain. With generalised seizures, the activity is more widespread. Unless you have a seizure during the recording, the doctor cannot be absolutely sure what type of seizures you have.
Can an EEG test show if there is any damage in my brain?
An EEG test only gives information about the electrical activity in your brain. It can show if there is unusual electrical activity but it does not show if there are any physical abnormalities of the brain. An MRI or CT scan can do this.
Will I have more than one EEG test?
There are several ways to do an EEG test. And there are several reasons why you might be asked to have more EEGs.
- If you have an EEG test that doesn’t show any unusual electrical activity in your brain, your doctor might ask you to have another.
- It can be helpful, if possible, to have an EEG test at times when you are more likely to have a seizure. For example, this might be early in the morning. Some people have a type of epilepsy that means seizures are more likely at certain times, for example during their menstrual cycle.
Are there risks to having an EEG test?
Will an EEG test cause me to have a seizure?
An EEG test itself will not cause a seizure, but sometimes extra activities are carried out to learn more about your condition. There’s a very small risk that you could have a seizure during these activities. This could be caused by looking at a flashing light (photic stimulation) or breathing deeply (hyperventilation). These activities are usually part of the test. You will be closely monitored and medical professionals will be there to help if you do have a seizure.
Your doctor might ask you to have less sleep than usual before you have some types of EEG tests. The doctor may do this to increase the chances of catching a unusual brain activity during the test. This might also increase the risk of a seizure around the time of having the test.
You will usually have to give your consent to having an EEG test done and for it to be recorded. This is because it is important that you are aware of why the test is done and of its risks, however small they might be.
The Great Ormond Street Hospital website has information on consent for children’s EEGs.
Will having a seizure during an EEG test affect my right to drive?
If you hold a driving licence, having a seizure could mean that you have to stop driving until you have been seizure free for 12 months.
If you are concerned about the risk of having a seizure, talk to the doctor who has asked you to have the test. You may still be able to have the test without the extra activities such as flashing lights and deep breathing. This would mean not increasing your risk of having a seizure.
Got any questions?
Our expert advisors can help you with any questions you might have about your EEG tests or anything else related to living with epilepsy.
How long will it take to get my EEG results?
You will not normally get your EEG test results on the same day. This is because the recordings will need to be studied by the specialist first and then sent to the doctor who requested the tests. It will usually be a few days or weeks before they can discuss your results with you.
If you have any other questions about your EEG test, you could ask your GP, epilepsy specialist or epilepsy specialist nurse. You could also ask the person who is carrying out the test.
What might happen next?
Once you’ve got the results from your EEG you might:
- Have another standard EEG or one of the other types listed above
- Have an MRI scan
- Have an ECG (electrocardiogram) scan to check for heart-related conditions that can cause symptoms that look like a seizure
- Have blood tests to check your general health and to see if anything else may be causing your symptoms
- Have genetic testing if your specialist thinks you might have a type of genetic epilepsy
For more information on these steps and being diagnosed with epilepsy, please see our page on diagnosing epilepsy.
For parents and children
BBC iPlayer has a CBeebies episode about going to have an EEG test. Your child may find this helpful so they can understand what to expect.
The Great Ormond Street Hospital website also has information for children about EEG tests.
New EEG technology – 24/7 EEG SubQ
A new type of EEG has been developed recently known as the 24/7 EEG SubQ (subcutaneous electroencephalography). This type of EEG is currently in the trial stages of research at several NHS trusts across the UK. It is a long-term recording device and is aimed at adults with epilepsy where treatments have not helped to control seizures. It monitors and counts the amount and type of seizure the person has, and measures other scientific data. The aim of the 24/7 EEG SubQ is to provide more detailed information about the seizures.
The system is made up of an EEG electrode that is placed under the skin, plus an external recording device, and specialist technology for reading the data. There are two types of the 24/7 EEG SubQ, one includes a magnet, and one without. The implant can stay in place for up to 15 months to get as much information as possible.
Read Murray's story about his EEG SubQ
Murray thought he was having 5 or 6 seizures a month. But the EEG SubQ fitted showed that he was having up to 25 every month. It also recorded up to 300 sub-clinical seizures in a year (these are seizures that happen where the symptoms are not noticeable).
You can hear more about Murray’s story here.
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