What happens during a tonic seizure?
If a tonic seizure starts in both sides of the brain, all your muscles tighten and your body goes stiff. If you’re standing, you may fall to the floor. Your neck will extend, your eyes open wide and roll upwards. Your arms may raise upwards and your legs stretch or contract. You may cry out and stop breathing during the seizure.
If a tonic seizure starts in one side of the brain, your muscles tighten in just one area of the body.
How long do tonic seizures last?
Tonic seizures usually last between three seconds and two minutes.
What happens after a tonic seizure?
Once a tonic seizure has ended, your muscles relax. You might feel sleepy or confused afterwards.
How can someone help me during a tonic seizure?
Our short online first aid course shows you what tonic seizures can look like, and how to help when someone has one. Visit tonic seizure first aid.
Got more questions?
Our expert advisors can help you with any questions you might have about tonic seizures or anything else related to living with epilepsy.