
‘The Unicorn in Captivity’
‘The Unicorn in Captivity’
Kami Kountcheva | Writer and actor Angelika May shares the inspiration behind her new play featuring epilepsy
Epilepsy Action launches TV first aid campaign
Epilepsy Action launches TV first aid campaign
Kami Kountcheva | Epilepsy Action has launched its first TV campaign on what to do if someone has a tonic-clonic seizure.
Topiramate use in pregnancy: MHRA safety guidelines tightened
Topiramate use in pregnancy: MHRA safety guidelines tightened
Kami Kountcheva | The MHRA has updated its safety guidelines for the use of the medicine topiramate to help prevent harm to unborn babies
Epilepsy Action launches new brand inspired by people with epilepsy
Epilepsy Action launches new brand inspired by people with epilepsy
Kami Kountcheva | Epilepsy Action has launched its new brand and logo, designed to represent the disruption that epilepsy causes in people’s lives
Cat Deeley apologises after Epilepsy Action supporters call out “thoughtless” comment
Cat Deeley apologises after Epilepsy Action supporters call out “thoughtless” comment
Kami Kountcheva | This Morning presenter Cat Deeley has apologised on the show today, after being called out by charities and people with epilepsy for…
English long-distance runner provisionally diagnosed with epilepsy
English long-distance runner provisionally diagnosed with epilepsy
Kami Kountcheva | Athlete Jessica Warner-Judd has been provisionally diagnosed with focal epilepsy after having two seizures during the 2024 European Championships
Medicine shortages: Charities lobby party leaders for permanent solution
Medicine shortages: Charities lobby party leaders for permanent solution
Kami Kountcheva | Epilepsy and Parkinson’s charities have written to political party leaders this week calling for an urgent review of the medicine supply chain.
Talk and Support groups blog May 2024
Talk and Support groups blog May 2024
Epilepsy Action receives award for tackling stigma
Epilepsy Action receives award for tackling stigma
Kami Kountcheva | Epilepsy Action and Be Broadcast have won two PRCA Dare Awards for their joint work in 2023 to tackle public seizure stigma
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