The latest epilepsy news

HELLO BRAIN! exhibition explores how the brain works
Kami Kountcheva | HELLO BRAIN! is a free exhibition at the Francis Crick Institute, bringing to life research from the institute’s labs
Epilepsy campaigning

Public should have their say on NHS Constitution, charities urge
Kami Kountcheva | Patient charity coalition National Voices is calling for an extension of the consultation process for the NHS Constitution.
Epilepsy Action news

Virtual 10k supporters raise £18k
Kami Kountcheva | Epilepsy Action supporters raise money and awareness for National Epilepsy Week.
Epilepsy Action news

Morrisons loses appeal over death of employee with epilepsy
Grace Wood | Epilepsy Action has contacted Morrisons to offer first aid training as a result of Matthew’s death
Epilepsy Action news

Live blog: National Epilepsy Week 2024
Kami Kountcheva & Grace Wood | Follow our live blog this National Epilepsy Week to see all the events as they happen

Don’t judge a book: the Human Library
Grace Wood | Murray is the first ‘book’ published on epilepsy at the Human Library.
The latest epilepsy news

Climate change harms epilepsy and mental health, study finds
Kami Kountcheva | Climate change can worsen neurological conditions like epilepsy, and mental health conditions, says a new study from University College London.
The latest epilepsy news

Epilepsy Action calls for disability employment data breakdown
Kami Kountcheva | Epilepsy Action is calling on the DWP and the ONS to publish an up-to-date breakdown of disability employment data.
The latest epilepsy news

Epilepsy Action praises O2 after flashing lights ad is removed
Kami Kountcheva | O2 has removed a Priority advert featuring flashing lights after people with photosensitive epilepsy raised concerns over its safety.