Epilepsy Action news archive
Why Mozart’s music shows anti-seizure effect
The latest epilepsy news
Partnership aims to establish research priorities
Epilepsy Action news archive
Dogs can use sense of smell to predict seizure
Dogs can use their sense of smell to detect a specific odour associated with seizures, a new study from Queen’s University Belfast has found.
The latest epilepsy news
3 in 4 children not referred for epilepsy surgery
Epilepsy Action news archive
Welfare survey
Epilepsy Action news archive
Lack of understanding of broader effect of epilepsy
Epilepsy Action news archive
SUDEP doubled in pregnant and post-natal women
Epilepsy Action news archive
Study to compare remote and face-to-face seizure clinics
Epilepsy Action news archive
Clinicians in the UK can prescribe cannabis-based medicines
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