Talk and support updates

Talk and support group blog July 2023
The latest epilepsy news

Campaign to stop ticket office closures launched
Grace Wood | The proposed changes could make the stations and their services inaccessible to disabled passengers
Epilepsy research

Wearable brain scanner developed at University of Nottingham
Grace Wood | It is believed the scanner will improve epilepsy diagnosis, especially for children
The latest epilepsy news

Zoom and HSBC develop epilepsy safety feature
Grace Wood | The two companies developed a safety mechanism to recognise flashing images, which are turned off and the screen is dimmed
Epilepsy Action news

Live Chat becomes permanent offering
96.4% of respondents said they were happy with the advice and information they received
The latest epilepsy news

Lisha’s Story
Talk and support updates

Talk and support group blog June 2023
The latest epilepsy news

Children’s care improved but inconsistent – Epilepsy12 report
Epilepsy campaigning

Sodium Valproate – updated statement
Updated statement from coalition of epilepsy organisations on the use of Sodium Valproate
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