Epilepsy in Wales

Welsh Senedd debates ‘inadequate’ epilepsy care
Grace Wood | Luke Fletcher, member of the Senedd for South Wales West, brought the motion, which was passed without opposition
Epilepsy in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland patients left waiting
Northern Ireland has the longest waiting times for neurology appointments in the UK.
Epilepsy in Northern Ireland

Family makes epilepsy safety aid from car harness
Grace Wood | Dermod Ryder developed the harness for his daughter Katie
The latest epilepsy news

Epilepsy specialist shortage a ‘crisis’
Grace Wood | The government’s latest NHS workforce plan failed to mention epilepsy or neurology
The latest epilepsy news

Befriending in Belper
Living with epilepsy

Music festivals: staying safe with epilepsy
What can people with epilepsy do to feel safer at music festivals?
The latest epilepsy news

Stem cell therapy shows promising results for drug-resistant epilepsy
Grace Wood | The treatment is a regenerative neural cell therapy derived from human stem cells
Epilepsy medication

Epilepsy coalition issues valproate statement
A coalition of epilepsy charities has expressed its loss of confidence in the MHRA over proposed changes to the regulatory policy for sodium valproate
Epilepsy in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland patient waiting list “in disarray and sometimes chaos”
Jack Morgan In Northern Ireland 1 in 83 people has epilepsy, with waiting times for neurology appointments the highest in the UK.
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