Talk and Support groups blog May 2024

Published: June 14 2024
Last updated: June 14 2024

During May we hosted a variety of online and in-person Talk and Support groups. We had a total of 213 attendance across all of our groups this month.

We love to welcome new people at our groups, so please do come along. Our groups offer a great opportunity to meet new people, share experience and find peer support from other people affected by epilepsy.

Have a listen to Andy’s story, and how our Talk and Support groups helped him.

Hot topics

These are the topics that came up the most in this month’s groups:


Positive stories

A group attendee shared some feedback with us:

“I went to an online group of people with epilepsy who were sharing their stories. I realised that I’m not the only one who is dealing with this. I don’t think I would have been as brave as I am now, before I joined Epilepsy Action’s virtual groups.”

Make a connection

Find a group for you

We have a range of Talk and Support groups for people affected by epilepsy, both online and face-to-face.

Talk and support – virtual groups