Support for commissioners

Resources and support for commissioners looking to improve epilepsy services

a group of three people in a meeting

Guide to commissioning booklet

A downloadable resource giving advice and information for commissioners:

Better Value, Better Care – Your Guide to Commissioning in Epilepsy

The ‘Better Value, Better Care’ booklet looks at why epilepsy care services should be commissioned and what effective commissioning involves. Tools such as a service specification checklist, audit checklist and case studies of good practice are also provided.

Guide to writing a business case for an epilepsy specialist nurse service

This guide aims to help NHS managers write a business case to develop an epilepsy specialist nurse (ESN) service.

Epilepsy Action’s report ‘Best care: The value of epilepsy specialist nurses’  states that ESNs undertake a wide range of valuable, mainly patient-related activities in various settings. In the absence of ESNs this work would either fall to consultants or simply be overlooked.

PDF of guide to writing a business case for an epilepsy specialist nurse

Epilepsy Navigator Tool

The Epilepsy resource navigator tool is designed for commissioners, providers and professionals working with the epilepsy population in England.

The tool identifies and directs you to the best available resources to commission, design and improve services for people with epilepsy, their families and carers.

The information and resources in the tool can help local systems to deliver the NHS priorities for 2023/24 and the commitments in the NHS Long Term Plan , including addressing A&E waiting times and improving performance against the core diagnostic standard. The tool has been developed by the Neurological Alliance with support from a steering group of expert health professionals and patient organisations.

Access the PDF here

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