Epilepsy and maternity

Support for maternity services, midwives and obstetricians

a pregnant lady is weighed by midwife

The maternity toolkit

The maternity toolkit has been designed by Kim Morley, epilepsy specialist midwife practitioner. It gives a summary of a woman’s epilepsy, treatment and management recommendations.

It supports information gathering and signposting at all stages of pregnancy to ensure prompt appropriate care and early risk identification.

This toolkit is intended for use alongside the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) Epilepsy in Pregnancy guidelines (2016), the free Women with epilepsy website and the UK Epilepsy and Pregnancy Register.

Further validation of this tool is planned by doing a feasibility study to assess its effectiveness in clinical practice. To get involved, please contact kim.morley@hhft.nhs.uk.

Visit the toolkit

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