Epilepsy Action Cymru

Epilepsy affects everyone in different ways, so it can be difficult to control and challenging to live with.

Epilepsy Action Cymru has been providing information, advice and support for over 70 years.


I’m Jan Paterson, my role is to manage the development and delivery of services across Wales and to promote Epilepsy Action Cymru.

I will have responsibility for project planning and the strategic development of community-based services including the network of volunteers, the provision of advice and information and the delivery of local events about epilepsy within Wales.

Our services include:

  • Raising awareness and increasing understanding of epilepsy
  • Lobbying and campaigning for a better future for people with epilepsy
  • Representing the voice of people with epilepsy in Wales at strategic bodies
  • Supporting people through our network of volunteers, branches and groups
  • Organising information events for both people living with epilepsy and health professionals
  • Organising and supporting local fundraising events
  • Providing epilepsy awareness training sessions to groups who want to learn more about epilepsy. These include private employers, healthcare and service providers and schools
  • Providing advice and information
  • Organising local events about epilepsy


Jan Paterson Ydw i, Fy rôl i yw rheoli datblygiad a darparu Gwasanaethau ledled Cymru a hyrwyddo Epilepsy Action Cymru.
Byddaf yn gyfrifol am gynllunio prosiectau a datblygiad strategol gwasanaethau yn y gymuned gan gynnwys y rhwydwaith o wirfoddolwyr, darparu cyngor a gwybodaeth a darparu digwyddiadau lleol ynglŷn ag epilepsi yng Nghymru.

Mae’r gwasanaethau yn cynnwys:

  • Codi ymwybyddiaeth a chynyddu dealltwriaeth o epilepsi
  • Lobio ac ymgyrchu at ddyfodol gwell i bobl gydag epilepsi
  • Cynrychioli llais y bobl ag epilepsi yng Nghymru ar gyrff strategol
  • Cefnogi pobl trwy ein rhwydwaith o wirfoddolwyr, canghennau a grwpiau
  • Trefnu digwyddiadau gwybodaeth i bobl sy’n byw gydag epilepsi a gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol
  • Trefnu a chefnogi digwyddiadau codi arian lleol
  • Darparu sesiynau hyfforddi ymwybyddiaeth epilepsi i grwpiau sydd eisiau dysgu mwy am epilepsi. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys cyflogwyr preifat, darparwyr gwasanaeth a gofal iechyd ac ysgolion
  • Darparu cyngor a gwybodaeth
  • Trefnu digwyddiadau lleol am epilepsi

Counselling service - Wales  

Many adults affected by epilepsy and their carers go through difficult times in their lives.

Talking to someone you can trust can make a real difference.

Find out more
A parent sitting next to her child smiling, while holding a baby.

Here to support you

a graphic of a headset

Call the Epilepsy Action helpline

If you would like to talk to someone about epilepsy, our trained advisers are here to help.

0808 800 5050
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Send us your question

Send a question to our trained epilepsy advisers. (We aim to reply within two working days).

Contact us today