Virtual Groups Near Me

If you are looking to connect with people near you who are affected by epilepsy but don’t want the hassle of travelling, then check out our location-based virtual groups. We have groups for people located all over the UK and Northern Ireland.


A bearded man taking part in a video call


A riverside view in Bedfordshire

East England

This group is for anyone affected by epilepsy who lives in the East of England which includes Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, and Suffolk.

A skyline view of Birmingham

Central England

This group is for anyone affected by epilepsy who lives in Central England which includes Derbyshire, Herefordshire, Birmingham, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland.

A riverside view of Big Ben


Our London group is a great place to connect with those living with epilepsy in all 32 boroughs.

A side view of The Angel of the North

North of England

This group is for anyone affected by epilepsy who lives in the North of England which includes Cheshire, Cumbria, Durham, Greater Manchester, Humber and Humberside, Lancashire, Merseyside, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and Yorkshire.

A view of the White Cliffs of Dover

South East England

This group is for anyone affected by epilepsy who lives in the South East of England which includes Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex, Hampshire, Kent, Oxfordshire, Surrey and Sussex.

A skyline view of Bristol harbour

South West England

This group is for anyone affected by epilepsy who lives in the South West of England which includes Bristol, Cornwall, Dorset, Devon, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire.

Wales & Northern Ireland

A street view of Belfast City Hall

Northern Ireland

Covering all of Northern Ireland, this group provides an excellent opportunity to connect with others affected by epilepsy and from that connection gain support and advice from those who understand the condition.

A waterside view of Cardiff Bay


Covering all of Wales, this group is a great place to share your experiences of epilepsy with people who can help support you.

Gan gwmpasu Cymru gyfan, mae’r grŵp hwn yn lle gwych i rannu eich profiadau o epilepsi gyda phobl a all helpu i’ch cefnogi.

Looking to connect with others in person?

Then sign up for one of our local face-to-face groups.

In these groups, you can get helpful advice on how to manage your epilepsy as well as support and understanding from people who know what it’s like to live with the condition.

We run face-to-face groups in locations all over the UK and Northern Ireland.

Find out more here
Virtual Groups

Looking for a different group?

Epilepsy Action runs many different virtual groups which cover different topics relating to epilepsy.

Click the link below and find the right group for you.

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