When someone has a seizure, CARE

Stills from first aid video - CARE - Comfort, Action, Reassure, Emergency

Helping someone having a seizure doesn’t have to be scary.

All you have to do is CARE

C – Comfort

Cushion their head with something soft, to protect them from injury and keep them comfortable

A – Action

Start to time the seizure, and clear the area of anything that might be harmful. You could also check if the person has a medical ID or bracelet with more information on how to help

R – Reassure

When the seizure has stopped, place them in the recovery position, stay with them and reassure them as they come round

E – Emergency

Call 999 if:

  •  the seizure continues for more than 5 minutes
  • the person is not regaining consciousness
  • the person goes straight into another seizure
  • the person has trouble breathing after the seizure
  • the person has never had a seizure before

One in 107 people in the UK have epilepsy, with 80 people being diagnosed every day.

Many are left feeling scared, confused and alone.

Epilepsy Action is here to help, to make sure that as many people as possible understand epilepsy, and that no one has to face the condition alone.


This year we expect

Over 11,000
enquires to our Helpline and Webchat service
Over 21,000
people to learn from our epilepsy training
Over 2 million
people to visit our advice and information webpages
62 brand new
Talk and Support groups to be launched

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