The latest epilepsy news

Disabled employees earning less
Grace Wood | Analysis from the Trade Unions Congress claimed 7 in 10 disabled employees earn less than £15 an hour
The latest epilepsy news

Inhaling scents could lead to better memory
Grace Wood | The researchers concluded that introducing a small amount of scent at night led to improvements in brain functioning
The latest epilepsy news

Police need epilepsy training following Gaia Pope death – Epilepsy Action
Grace Wood | Gaia’s story was featured in the BBC documentary Gaia: A Death on Dancing Ledge
The latest epilepsy news

Epilepsy patients aid memory study
Grace Wood | The study followed 13 patients who were about to undergo epilepsy surgery
The latest epilepsy news

Campaign to stop ticket office closures launched
Grace Wood | The proposed changes could make the stations and their services inaccessible to disabled passengers
Epilepsy research

Wearable brain scanner developed at University of Nottingham
Grace Wood | It is believed the scanner will improve epilepsy diagnosis, especially for children
The latest epilepsy news

Zoom and HSBC develop epilepsy safety feature
Grace Wood | The two companies developed a safety mechanism to recognise flashing images, which are turned off and the screen is dimmed
Epilepsy Action news

Live Chat becomes permanent offering
96.4% of respondents said they were happy with the advice and information they received
Epilepsy in Wales

Welsh Senedd debates ‘inadequate’ epilepsy care
Grace Wood | Luke Fletcher, member of the Senedd for South Wales West, brought the motion, which was passed without opposition