EMA updates topiramate guidance
EMA updates topiramate guidance
Grace Wood | The measures have been put in place to avoid exposing children to topiramate-containing medicines in the womb
Back to school: supporting a child with epilepsy
Back to school: supporting a child with epilepsy
Grace Wood | All the information parents might need to support children with epilepsy
Epilepsy ignored in government’s Major Conditions Strategy
Epilepsy ignored in government’s Major Conditions Strategy
Grace Wood | The health department’s Major Conditions Strategy is a five-year plan
NHS updates medicine guidance for trusts
NHS updates medicine guidance for trusts
Grace Wood | The “optimisation opportunities” ask integrated care boards to focus on 16 priorities
Disabled employees earning less
Disabled employees earning less
Grace Wood | Analysis from the Trade Unions Congress claimed 7 in 10 disabled employees earn less than £15 an hour
Inhaling scents could lead to better memory
Inhaling scents could lead to better memory
Grace Wood | The researchers concluded that introducing a small amount of scent at night led to improvements in brain functioning
Police need epilepsy training following Gaia Pope death – Epilepsy Action
Police need epilepsy training following Gaia Pope death – Epilepsy Action
Grace Wood | Gaia’s story was featured in the BBC documentary Gaia: A Death on Dancing Ledge
Epilepsy patients aid memory study
Epilepsy patients aid memory study
Grace Wood | The study followed 13 patients who were about to undergo epilepsy surgery  
Campaign to stop ticket office closures launched
Campaign to stop ticket office closures launched
Grace Wood | The proposed changes could make the stations and their services inaccessible to disabled passengers