Epilepsy in Northern Ireland

Family makes epilepsy safety aid from car harness
Grace Wood | Dermod Ryder developed the harness for his daughter Katie
Epilepsy in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland patient waiting list “in disarray and sometimes chaos”
Jack Morgan In Northern Ireland 1 in 83 people has epilepsy, with waiting times for neurology appointments the highest in the UK.
The latest epilepsy news

Northern Ireland epilepsy numbers “highly concerning”
Epilepsy in Northern Ireland

‘Significant failures’ by former Belfast neurologist
Epilepsy Action news archive
£60,000 grant to support carers secured
Epilepsy Action news archive
£200,000 grant secured to expand counselling service
Epilepsy Action news archive
More cases of misdiagnosis in Northern Ireland
Epilepsy Action news archive
Epilepsy care lacking in Northern Ireland
Epilepsy Action news archive
Epilepsy Action NI Community Arts Partnership
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